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Reflective Blog - Week 6

Social media, oh how I count the myriad of different platforms you can use! Social media is a massive mind field for those who don't understand how to use it and how effective it can or can't be. New people to using social media either stick to one platform or go the opposite and try to be on as many as possible!

What I have found is that the best way to use social media is to research what platforms you personally like to use and what platforms the people you want to target mainly use. Then select platforms from that to cover your audience and your personal preferences. This is because you will at times spend a lot of time navigating the platforms to respond to others and promoting.

I've steered away from a traditional web page for a very long time because I didn't want one that never changed as I felt it was a waste and would be boring. The new apps and add ons that you can employ nowadays changes all of that. I can add newsletter sign up sheets, apps so that you can go to the website and interact with me via all my social networking, donation and shopping carts. This interactivity set up, right on your website will allow users to interact with you much easier and keeps your website page alive and active when you don't have new things to add to the page.

The major aspect of a webpage that a lot of independent film makers don't consider is how to monetize their page. This is an area I am still researching to develop what is right to me that doesn't go against my own ethos. Monetisation of your online presence in some way, allows you to earn a passive income that you can then sow into your film making. Resources are so hard to come by when your starting out and we often work for free to develop our skills or because we are making our own projects. Money then becomes a major factor in our lives that is often over looked in our social media platform strategies that we waste huge amounts of time trying to apply for grants. The small amounts of money that can come through social media could be the difference to beginning filming because as we all know you have to feed the cast and crew as a minimum when your making films!

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