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Leanne Campbell

Producer/Writer/Director/Actress/Festival Director/Radio announcer



In this day and age you have to be diverse and skilled in your career. To this end Leanne has been working on developing skills that compliment one another and can be used  to support  other people in their film making or music careers. Leanne believes that the sucess of her friends, co-workers and peers is also a sucess for herself.


This is why she is a huge supporter of other people's careers. In a field where everyone is competing to get the next grant or public support, this generosity of spirit is a refreshing one. Everything she does is with a spirit of empowerment for women and children and struggling but talented artists. She is unashamadly Australian and proud of her nation and that of her indigenous community.


If you would like to support her achieve her dreams and goals then please consider funding her as an artist.

In return she would be able to achieve great things and will give you personal access to her work along her journey. Either seeing her work, free tickets to some of her events or it could be giving you a chance to work with her.



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